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Annual General Meeting 2024

The Berrinba East State School P&C Association’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) is scheduled for Monday, 11 March 2024, commencing at 5pm. This year the AGM will be held in the Staff Room (Administration).


The AGM is held so that the P&C Association can:

  • receive and adopt the associations’ audited financial statements

  • report activities of the previous year to the members

  • accept new and renew existing memberships for the association

  • elect an executive committee

  • confirm continuance of existing subcommittees and/or establish new subcommittees

  • appoint an auditor for the coming financial year

  • adopt the Student Protection Risk Management Strategy

  • adopt a new version of the Constitution if needed

  • award life membership to the P&C – if any.


Committee Membership


P&C membership is open to any adult who wants to contribute to the school, including the parents of children attending the school, the school’s teachers and staff, and interested people in the wider community.  P&C membership does not bring with it any obligation to attend meetings or participate in activities but is essential if you want to contribute to decision-making: only members are allowed to vote at meetings.


The following persons are eligible to be members of the Association:

  • a parent of a child/student attending the school

  • a staff member of the school

  • an adult who is interested in the school’s welfare.


P&C Members who are not the parent of a student currently enrolled at the school must hold a valid volunteer blue card (not a pending application).


To apply for new membership or renew membership, complete this online formMembership applications will be accepted up to 4.50pm on Monday 11th of March 2024.


Executive and Official Roles


Our leadership team hold the following executive positions:
•    President
•    Vice President
•    Secretary
•    Treasurer


Other official roles within the committee are:
•    P&Cs QLD Representative
•    Book Club Representative


If you would like to nominate for an official role, please complete a nomination form and return to the BESS Principal (email: or hand the form into the schools Administration office) BEFORE 4pm Thursday 7th of March 2024.


If you want to read up more about executive and official roles that form part of our committee, please see information below.  Checking out the P&Cs QLD website for more information can also be helpful. 



  • Good knowledge of the rules, operations and meeting procedures of the P&C

  • Provide leadership

  • Chair meetings

  • Act as a spokesperson/representative of the P&C

  • Foster good communication between the P&C, school and community

  • Encourage participation to ensure that everyone can have a say

  • Is the accountable person in all employment issues


Vice President

  • Chair meetings if the President is absent

  • Provide essential support for the President and help the Secretary/Treasurer as required

  • Become familiar with P&C operations, rules and meeting procedures

  • Act as the Presidents “understudy” and gain an understanding of the various executive roles

  • Carry out any duties delegated by the President



  • Prepare and distribute notices of meetings and meeting agendas

  • Prepare, distribute and present minutes of meetings to members

  • Maintain a register of correspondence and distribute correspondence promptly

  • Maintain a register of P&C members

  • Maintain a volunteer register whenever and wherever volunteers are working for the P&C

  • Maintain a bluecard register for the P&C

  • Organise, record and maintain P&C documents

  • Ensure a copy of the P&C’s constitution is accessible and available


Treasurer (note: this role is supported by our paid book keeper)

  • Ensure the P&C complies with the Accounting Manual

  • Financial statements/reports at each meeting

  • Pay accounts promptly

  • Maintain accountable forms

  • Maintain P&C asset register

  • Monitor wages and ensure accounts are current and reconciled

  • Prepare annual financial statements for auditing

  • Ensure accounting is open and transparent


Book Club Coordinator

  • Update the catalogues with the due by date

  • Distribute catalogues to teachers

  • Check deliveries for accuracy

  • Sort orders and deliver to the teachers to give to the students


P&C’s QLD Representative

  • Keep informed on current and new developments in education

  • Summarise and report on all P&C’s Qld correspondence

  • When possible, attend conferences, regional and branch meetings, and share information gained with the P&C

  • Where possible, make contact with other representatives in the area



We would like to acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we gather and honour their connections to land, sea and community.


We pay our respects to elders past, present, and emerging.


May we work together in harmony.

©2023 Berrinba East State School Parents and Citizen's Association

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